Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Chapter One~Childhood (Early)

It started when I was VERY young. Not that I realized it so much at the time.  But I have memories that play back like video-streams in my head of ages I am NOT supposed to be able to recall. For instance, I can recal  a TON of detail of being alone in my crib.  I remember things like noises in my head....maybe mucous, having a cold....I'm not sure.  But I recall some sort of knocking in my head and thinking about what that sound was?  I recall we had familiy's over after church on Sunday nights.  My parents would play cards till much later than my bedtime.  they had a doughter my same age.  I can recall calling out to her in the other room in protest.  Saying silly 2-3 year-old things like "Goodnight Doppie'.  I vividly remember my nursery. There were built-in shelves on at least two of the walls in this smallish room.   On one wall was the changing table.  I have Memory-videos in snippets of all this room was. Along one wall was cabinets built in on the bottom half.  Rising up fromm them were built-in shelves.  All of these shelves were covered with the stuffed animals that my Father had won in Street Carnivals before I had been born.  Among them was a giant Giraffe named George.  Many, Many of these stuffed animals made it's way into my crib.  The first of which I do not recall.  Which was a stuffed monkey I believe.  But....I DO remember the poodles.  There was a pink one aand a gray one.  it was after having had these poodles that my parents realized WHY their fur had been steadily disappearing.  I in-fact was picking it off of the stffed animals in bits and pieces.  What I was doing with it is still beyond my understanding. Apparently I had taken the fur off of these stuffed animals incrementally and procedded to shove it up my nose for some reason or another?????  I can not give ANY expalanation as to WHY?  I can only fathom thatI liked the feeling of rubbing it underneath my  nose as it was soft and pleasant.  Then decided I'd keep it by jamming it up into my nostrils?  HAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!  Not sure what the actual reason or stimulus was exactly.....but I had mounted a MONUMENTAL campaign at such an early age to completely CLOG my sinuses with stuffed animal fur!  If that sounds COMPLETELY WEIRD to anyone else.....I'd certainly HAVE to agree!!!!  I was three....people!!!! Point in this story is this......I recall details and THINGS the most psychologists claim that our Human minds are NOT capable of.  So...that leaves THIS question.  Did I merely CREATE all of these so VIVID memories that seem to ply back in my mind like a recording?  Many, MANY of them have been verified.  Is it TRULY possible that some children hold memories from a VERY early age?  Is that normal and most forget it?  Or is that something ABNORMAL and out of the ordinary?  I could elaborate further on issues and instances I recall from very early years! Let me give you one more example.  When I was about 2ish, my parents had a baby-gate to our added on Family Room. My dad went to lift me over one time and lost his balance resulting in a bad fall.  I can SEE  myself lying on the kitchen floor.  Looking up at my Mother.   I can tell you EXACTLY what she was wearing and the fact that she also was sporting a frosted wig she wore back in those days.  I mean I can tell you EXACTLY what she was wearing!  WHO remembers that kind of stuff from being one or two?????  I can also tell you in a TON of detail what geting my x-rays were like!!!!! It was a very dark room.  I was on a wodden table.  I can see it in my mind like a movie playback!!!!!!  They determined that my collarbone MIGHT hav been hairline fractured, But I do not think anything ever came of it.  Guess what.....I STILL get aches and oains in my left collar bone very often!  Especially when the weather is about to turn!  I have SO much more to say.....but it is WAY late.  I will share another chapter from my childhood soon!!  

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